Netflix Increases Subscription Prices Amid Record Subscriber Growth

  • Zachary Turner
  • Jan 23, 2025
  • 122
Netflix Increases Subscription Prices Amid Record Subscriber Growth

As Netflix continues to captivate audiences worldwide, particularly following the triumph of Squid Game Season 2, the platform demonstrates an unwavering momentum its growth. Despite surpassing 300 million subscribers globally, it appears that additional revenue is still needed for ongoing investments.

Recently, Netflix announced an increase in subscription prices spanning multiple nations, such as the United States, Canada, and Argentina, and Portugal. The ad-supported tier will see a rise to $7.99 USD per month, reflecting a $1 increase. Additionally, the premium plan will now cost $24.99 per month, marking a $2 hike for users.

During this quarter, Netflix achieved a remarkable milestone by adding 19 million new subscribers, setting a new record for the company. However, they have stated that future updates on subscriber counts will only be shared when significant milestones are reached, rather than on a quarterly basis.

To justify the price increase, Netflix mentioned its intention to enhance its service further through re-investment in content and features. The platform expressed appreciation for its members and the ongoing support they provide.

What are your thoughts on the recent adjustments to Netflix's pricing structure? Are you considering alternatives as the cost rises?

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