Exploring the Characters and Lore in 'Final Fantasy VII Remake'

  • Charlotte Allen
  • Jul 20, 2024
  • 170
Exploring the Characters and Lore in 'Final Fantasy VII Remake'

Imbued with a rich tapestry of narrative threads, captivating character arcs, and lore that runs deep as the Lifestream, 'Final Fantasy VII Remake' has made its epic come back into the gaming world. This article will explore the beloved characters and intriguing lore that builds the game's labyrinthine plot, examining each element in detailed partitions.

Cloud Strife: The Protagonist's Journey

Cloud Strife, the game's protagonist, is seen as a stoic mercenary with a foggy past that becomes clearer as the plot unravels. His identity crisis and search for self-realization form one of the major story arcs in the game. The game masterfully represents his character, vividly portraying his shady history and the tribulations that mold him into a principal force opposing Shinra Inc.

Aerith Gainsborough: The Last Cetra

Aerith is characterized as an endearing flower seller with an enigmatic aura. Known as the last Cetra, her importance to the game's narrative cannot be understated. Her emotional depth and significance to the lore is something that ‘Final Fantasy VII Remake’ manages to capture astoundingly well. It highlights her immense power and innate connection to the planet, making her a vital character in the overarching story.

Tifa Lockhart: The Fierce Ally

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Tifa Lockhart, the iconic martial artist and the heart and soul of the group, is an equally important character. Known for her compassionate personality and unparalleled fighting skills, Tifa’s story is deeply connected to Cloud’s, making her a pivotal character. The game portrays her internal struggles and her deep-seated motivation to fight back against Shinra, providing an intricate perspective on her character.

Barret Wallace: The Passionate Rebel

Barret Wallace, the powerhouse behind the eco-terrorist group Avalanche, is a character whose resolve is as solid as the steel he has replacing his right arm. He is not just a character in the game, but a symbol of unwavering passion and stalwart resistance against the wrongs inflicted on the planet. His insurmountable spirit and relentless pursuit of planetary justice define his role in the narrative and render him unforgettable.

As the leader of Avalanche, Barret has taken the mantle upon himself to hold the seemingly omnipotent corporation, Shinra Inc., accountable. This personal vendetta against Shinra isn't born of whim or fancy. Rather, it's deeply rooted in him due to the devastation Shinra's actions brought upon his hometown of Corel. This ongoing battle forms a significant part of the narrative and lays the foundation for the climactic face-off against the corporation.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Barret is not only a fighter but also a devoted father. His relationship with Marlene, his adopted daughter, adds an unanticipated yet touching layer to his character. While he’s fierce on the battleground, he’s tender and nurturing towards Marlene, offering glimpses of a loving, doting father. Marlene's influence also brings out his gentleness, adding a tender nuance to his coarse shell while unveiling that under the husky, battle-hardened soldier lies a man fueled by a fervent yearning to fashion a secure haven for his beloved daughter.

‘Final Fantasy VII Remake' does a commendable job peeling back the layers of Barret's character, revealing the motivations and aching past fueling his indomitable resilience. Through heart-rending flashbacks and compelling dialogues, the game brilliantly showcases the factors that molded this passionate rebel. In turn, players gain a deep understanding and appreciation of Barret, making his character arc one of the most gratifying aspects of the game.

Shinra Inc: The Corporate Evil

Final Fantasy VII Remake

Shinra Electric Power Company serves as the main antagonist in the game. The focus on this mega-corporation's ruthlessness, greed, and utter disregard for the planet's health paints a vivid picture of corporate malevolence. The game’s narrative does a brilliant job of showcasing how each department within Shinra contributes to its harmful operations, laying the groundwork for future battles.

The Lore: A Unique Blend of Science and Fantasy

'Final Fantasy VII Remake' stands out in gaming for its creative fusion of science fiction and fantasy elements. This mix adds an incredibly unique layer to the game, lending it a peculiar charm that sets it apart from other RPGs. The game's lore, rich with these elements, provides an immersive in-game universe that manages to capture the players' imagination at every turn.

The central lore, or the very bedrock upon which the game stands, revolves around the riveting concept of the ‘Lifestream.’ The Lifestream is not just an imaginative idea but serves as the life force of the very world inhabited by the characters. This ethereal, copious energy force flows through the planet, giving life to every being and element in it. It's spiritual and fascinatingly powerful; its importance is felt and emphasized throughout the game's story.

Final Fantasy VII Remake

However, the menacing exploitation of the Lifestream forms a central conflict in the game's plot. Shinra Inc, the principal antagonist, derives Mako energy from the Lifestream. This energy is used to power the city of Midgar and sold globally, leading to immense profits for the corporation. But this extraction of Mako has dire consequences for the planet, a scar that the game eloquently displays. This conflict paints a stark picture of unchecked capitalist greed and its devastating effects on the planet.

Decoding this underlying lore is like unearthing the game's heart and soul. It provides a profound understanding of the game’s central conflict and its endearing characters' struggles. The lore intertwined with the personal journeys of each character gives the game a depth that few others can match. Therefore, understanding and diving deeper into this fascinating lore isn't merely an intriguing journey but also a rewarding one that adds immensely to the overall gaming experience.


'Final Fantasy VII Remake' delves deep into its characters’ psyches, exploring their motivations, traumas, and growth. It masterfully weaves the lore and character journeys together, creating a captivating narrative of rebellion, redemption, and revival. This immersive exploration aims to make fans understand the complexities of the game, unraveling the facets that make it an undying classic in the gaming world.

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