Unlocking Melodies: A Comprehensive Guide to Pianos and Sheet Music in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

  • Zachary Turner
  • Aug 04, 2024
  • 334
Unlocking Melodies: A Comprehensive Guide to Pianos and Sheet Music in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In the rich and immersive world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players are constantly discovering new activities that enrich their gaming experience. One such engaging side activity is finding pianos and sheet music scattered across the various regions. This activity not only provides a break from the intense battles but also offers an opportunity to earn special rewards and a coveted trophy. Dive into the guide below to uncover the secrets of playing the piano and finding sheet music in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

How to Play the Piano in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

To begin your musical journey, you first need to locate a piano. Interact with it to sit down and immerse yourself in the melodies. The game provides on-screen commands that you can follow to either create your own musical compositions or play from the sheet music you've collected. Each piece of sheet music comes with a difficulty rating, visible below its name, and you can adjust the song’s speed using L1 or R1. The higher the speed, the more challenging the piece.

to Play the Piano in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Before you start, various settings can be adjusted to alter your final musical performance. Playing the piano requires skillful manipulation of the L and R sticks to hit the numerous notes available. As you play from a sheet music piece, small yellow lines will guide you by showing which direction to move the L or R stick. As these lines reach the outer circle rim, they indicate the note you should prepare to play.

Locations of Pianos and Sheet Music

Sheet music and pianos are often located in settlements throughout the different regions of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. On your map, settlements feature a piano key icon for pianos, and if sheet music is nearby, a separate icon with a music note will be present. Here are the specific locations where you can find them:

Junon - On Our Way

The piano here is situated in the Crow's Nest Camp in Junon. To gain access, you must start and complete the "When Words Won't Do" side quest. The sheet music for "On Our Way" rests on this piano. Additionally, this location introduces you to Dorian, who provides insights into the piano mini-game and offers rewards.

Locations of Pianos and Sheet Music

Costa del Sol - Tifa's Theme

The piano in Costa del Sol is located inside the Royal Court Hotel. Access to this piano is granted as you progress through the main story quests in the area, particularly during missions to collect swimwear outfits. You'll find the sheet music for "Tifa's Theme" resting on this piano, given to you as part of the Costa del Amor tasks.

North Corel - Barret's Theme

In North Corel, locate the piano marked on the map below. Dorian can also be found here, offering you another chance to update him on your progress. The sheet music for "Barret's Theme" rests on this piano.

Gongaga Village - Cinco de Chocobo

Inside one of the huts in Gongaga Village, a piano awaits. Here, you will also encounter Dorian again, allowing you to claim any rewards you've earned. The sheet music for "Cinco de Chocobo" is resting on this piano.

Cosmo Canyon - Two Legs? Nothin' To It

This piano is located inside the Inn in Cosmo Canyon. The sheet music for "Two Legs? Nothin' To It" rests on this piano.

Nibelheim - Aerith's Theme

Receiving Rewards for Your Musical Achievements

In Tifa's house in Nibelheim, you will find another piano with the sheet music for "Aerith's Theme" resting on it.

Receiving Rewards for Your Musical Achievements

Achieving an A rank on all your musical pieces not only signifies your mastery but also earns you special rewards from Dorian. One notable reward is the sheet music for "Let the Battles Begin!" achievable once you have garnered an A rank on the following pieces:

  • On Our Way
  • Tifa's Theme
  • Barret's Theme
  • Cinco de Chocobo
  • Two Legs? Nothin' To It
  • Aerith's Theme

Once you’ve attained an A rank for all these pieces, converse with Dorian to receive your hard-earned sheet music for "Let the Battles Begin!"

These musical interludes provide a rich addition to the main gameplay of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. If you're seeking more insights or help with other aspects of the game, don't miss our guides on acquiring the Tonberry King's Crown or navigating the Fort Condor mini-game in Junon.

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